Sunday, March 20, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions : Lesson Related

Who will I be teaching?

Most of the students in RareJob are Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese and Brazilians. Their age varies but the majority of them are working professionals.

How do I conduct the lesson?
All lessons are conducted through Skype; hence, tutors need to learn how to use it.

How long is the usual lesson?

One lesson takes 25 minutes. 

Is there a required minimum number of hours to teach?

There is no minimum hours required to teach in RareJob
. Our schedule is 100% flexible Tutors can control and choose their own schedule based on their preference

Are materials and modules provided?
Nandemoya provides a wide selection of materials that tutors can choose from. RareJob follows the 10-level curriculum based on CEFR-J. Tutors may opt to look for supplementary materials if they find the materials provided insufficient.

How do I get students?

Students are able to view each tutor's open lesson slots. They select who to book based on the tutor profile.

Source: RareJob Website

Image by Louis from Pixabay

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